Newstar Infrared Scanner Automatic Temperature with Free Tripod NSM-K3PRO/S


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• USB Charging/Battery 2way
• °C/°F Unit Available
• 1second Quick Response
• High Temperature Alarm
• ±0.2 Temp Accuracy
• 1 week Stand By
• Energy Saving


Infrared Scanner Automatic Temperature

1. Working Mode: Count mode, body mode, surface mode
2. Status Indication: Expression, USB connection status, volume, power
3. Measurement Result: Temperature status
4. Temperature Unit: Celsius or Fahrenheit.
5. Setting Item or Historical Record: M** indicates the historical record number;
F* indicates the setting item number
6. History Temp or Environment Temp
7. Environment temperature status.

• Normal Temperature Alarm
Flashing green lights on both sides
(36.0℃ – 37.5℃)

• High/Low Temperature Alarm
Sound alert and Flashing red lights on both sides Temperature is too High/Low 42.0℃/<35℃